Baptism is the sacramental act that empowers us to participate in the life of Christ and welcomes us into a faith community.
Who: Anyone seeking a deeper relationship with God in Christ. We baptize babies, octogenarians and everywhere in between.
What: With prayers, water, oil and candles, we celebrate the good work that God has done in the person. Where: The preferred place is in Church, in the midst of the people on Sunday Morning. We can baptize inside and outside or in a river or an ocean!
When: At appointed times in the Church we celebrate Baptism: All Saint’s Day in November, The Presentation in February, The Sunday after Easter in March, Pentecost in May, St. Mary’s day in August and when a Bishop visits. We even will do Christmas Morning and Easter Sunday morning!
How: There is a Baptismal rehearsal for the candidate, parents, and godparents before the Baptism. Baptisms may be celebrated at any of our Sunday services. Why: Baptism is a special way to say “yes” to Jesus as Lord and Savior of your/their life. contact: Pastor Susan |