Healing Prayer Ministry
At the small chapel in the back of the church, healing prayers are offered after the 10 a.m. service on the first Sunday of the month. A trained and commissioned healing prayer minister or clergy will offer confidential restorative prayers, and if accepted, there is laying on of hands and anointing with holy oil. Prayers are for God’s healing which comes in many forms: spiritual, emotional, or physical. We are here to pray with you.
St. Timothy’s Prayer Chain
Do you want confidential prayer support for yourself or a loved one? St. Timothy's Prayer Chain offers just that! We pray for you for a week (or longer if needed). We don't talk about it with you, or with anyone; we just pray! Please send your requests to: [email protected]
St. Timothy’s Prayer Chain
Do you want confidential prayer support for yourself or a loved one? St. Timothy's Prayer Chain offers just that! We pray for you for a week (or longer if needed). We don't talk about it with you, or with anyone; we just pray! Please send your requests to: [email protected]